The format string, much like in std.format
The sink where the full string should be written to, see section "Sink Types"
The arguments to fill the format string with
the length of the formatted string.
char[100] buf; ubyte[3] data = [1, 2, 3]; immutable ret = nogcFormatTo!"hello %s %s %% world %d %x %p"(buf, data, "moshe", -567, 7, 7); assert(ret == 53); assert(buf[0..53] == "hello [1, 2, 3] moshe % world -567 7 0000000000000007");
Formats values to with fmt template into provided sink. Note: it supports only a basic subset of format type specifiers, main usage is for nogc logging and error messages formatting. But more cases can be added as needed.
WARN: %s accepts pointer to some char assuming it's a zero terminated string